CV and short biograhpy Rita Marhaug
Rita Marhaug (b. 1965) is a visual artist, born and trained in Bergen, Norway. Marhaug holds an MA in Fine Art from Bergen Academy of Art and Design '89 (KHIB) and a BA in History of Art from the University of Bergen ‘96. For 12 years (2001-13), Marhaug was a professor in the Fine Art Department at her alma mater KHIB, (now part of Faculty of Art, Music and Design, UiB). Since the 90’s she has participated in many solo and group exhibitions and performance festivals in Norway and abroad. She is currently focusing on her practice, which fosters a complex relationship among printmaking, drawing, photography, artist books, video and performance.
Collaboration is an important part of Marhaug's practice. In her portfolio, she has shorter and long-term collaborative projects, both with local and internationally oriented artists. The body in the landscape, time and impermanence are keys to her methods. Perception and transformation are core themes in later productions.
Collaboration is an important part of Marhaug's practice. In her portfolio, she has shorter and long-term collaborative projects, both with local and internationally oriented artists. The body in the landscape, time and impermanence are keys to her methods. Perception and transformation are core themes in later productions.
Download Rita Marhaug's complete CV from December 2024:
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SITAT/QOUTS Norwegain and English
THE AIR, this year’s chosen theme for Contexts 2013, the third Sokolovsko Festival of Ephemeral Art, could not be more appropriate. Set amid the wooded hills of the Stone Mountains, close to the Polish-Czech border, the health resort of Sokolovsko boasts a microclimate uniquely suited for the treatment of lung diseases. Consumptive patients have been employed over the years to carve out the unusual, childlike motifs adorning the concrete grey facades of local buildings. In Situ, the contemporary art foundation that runs the festival, has set out to restore these buildings, along with the ruined neo-Gothic Brehmer sanatorium (the world’s first dedicated to treating tuberculosis, and to people both the buildings and the sanatorium with artists.
You’d be hard-pressed to find a more evocative setting for an ephemeral art festival—an original mix of performance, experimental music, and site-specific installations emphasizing the “live” element. In their respective offerings, the invited artists responded to the genius loci as much as to the chosen theme. Though many of the events took place in a musty cinema acting as the festival hub, some of the more memorable ones took advantage of public and outdoor spaces dotted around the village and the sanatorium grounds. In this vein, large candlelit cubes were aligned to gradually reveal the words granice (borders) or gra o nic (play for nothing)—summing up the place and our collective pastime—in a spectacular and well-attended performance staged in the main square by the Polish collective Akademia Ruchu. The theme proved a versatile one, allowing for as many different inflections as there were artists. In a piece that brought together the four elements, Norwegian artist Rita Marhaug swam around an overgrown pond, releasing helium-filled blue balloons that climbed into the air until they disappeared from view before she lit a torch by blowing on it. Agnieszka Gratza from the article Up in the Air, published August-13 |
"…Marhaug blander også billedmedienes ulike "tidligheter" ved at hun lar svart /hvitt, fargefotografi og blyanttegninger i ulike fargetoner smelte sammen. Bildene blir en konfrontasjon mellom erindring, representasjon, virkelighet og fiksjon. De sier slik noe om erindringens kompleksitet og om tiden som en relativ størrelse."
Professor Sigrid Lien i invitasjonstekst til utstillingen Fritid -02 |
"Kjønnsproblematikk ligger aldri langt unna i disse arbeidene. Skjønt problem? Det oppleves ikke som problemer. Dette er snarere et fascinement. Det fascinerende når to kvinner sitter på kjøkkenet og spruter ild, men det er vanskelig å se dette som undertrykt kvinnelig aggresjon over å ha blitt henvist til kjøkkenet…"
Kunstner og kurator Hilmar Fredriksen i katalogen til Vestlandsutstillingen -01 |
"…Rita Marhaug har jobbet bevisst med spørsmål knyttet til det vi oppfatter som typisk maskulint. (…) Som de Beavoir påpekte, har det maskuline kjønn blitt oppfattet som både mer ekte og nøytralt enn det feminine. Blant annet har menns fysiske dominans blitt ansett som del av denne overlegenheten. Denne mannsstyrken anses å tilhøre noe mer primitivt og mer opprinnelig enn femininitetes pyntesyke og jåleri. (…) I sitt performance arbeide, har Marhaug forsøkt å vise hvordan begrepene styrke og utholdenhet mest av alt er kulturelle faktorer som også styres av fetisjer og bestemte iscenesettelser…"
Kurator Veronica Diesen i katalogtekst til Fortrolighetens geografi -01 |
ARTIKLER/ARTICLES in Norwegain and English
Critic and writer Agnieszka Gratza's tekst on the five Norwegian artists and their performance show at Le Générateur in Paris March 2014.
Rita Marhaug's forword on her performance praxis to the publication LIQUID BODY, SOLID MIND
Rita Marhaugs forord om sin performancepraksis til publikasjonen LIQUID BODY, SOLID MIND
Artist Traci Kelly's text on Marhaug's performance praxis to the publication LIQUID BODY, SOLID MIND
Corporeal Breaches & Troubled Terrains |
Writer Agnieszka Gratza's text on Marhaug's performance praxis to the publication LIQUID BODY, SOLID MIND
Elements of Play |
Marhaug's own text on her project Random Reason, 2012
Marhaugs egen tekst om prosjektet Tilfeldige tanker, 2012
Text from writer Veronica Diesen from the catalouge The Geography of Intimacy, made for the exhibition in Haugesund Biledgalleri, August 2001.
Performance as it Relates to Gender, Identity and Power ![]()
Kurator Veronica Diesens tekst til katalogen Fortrolighetens geografi, laget til utstillingen i Haugesund Billedgalleri, august 2001.
Det performative i relasjon til kjønn, identitet og makt ![]()
Professor Sigrid Lien's text for the catalouge Rita Marhaug, 1999
Art, Life, Roles and Relics: Some reflections Concerning the Visual Art of Rita Marhaug ![]()
Professor Sigrid Liens tekst til katalogen Rita Marhaug, 1999
Kunst, liv, roller og relikvier: noen refleksjoner omkring Rita Marhaugs billedkunst ![]()